Sunday, March 3, 2013

     I was going to post these pictures the other night but we had company and then the computer didn't want to work with me on uploading pictures.  I have lost my MoJo lately.  Nothing I do in my art journal moves me.  I have thrown more art away than I have kept.  I fact I haven't kept anything I have made lately.  I usually sketch but I haven't felt like doing that either.  I am tired of practicing the same thing over and over.  I have been sewing for awhile and I have started to incorporate my art in my cloth dolls.  At first I just painted the dolls now I am collaging and then painting.  Here are some examples of my work

Friday, March 1, 2013

     I have made a decision today. I will following a new course. I have tried to recapture the past and realize that is not possible. I must let go of the past and embrace today and tomorrow. I have not been an active participant on my blog. I have let it go but I think I need it even if I am only talking to myself. I am not always confident and I am usually doubtful but I am not going to allow that to disuade me.

     I will upload what I create, the good and the bad. I will try to grow artistically and share what I know. I need to reach out and grab on to something that is meaningful and steady in my life. I will make this blog the steady rock that I need. Tonight I will try to upload pictures of some of my work. I will put myself out there but at least it is about something I enjoy.